Trevor Keezor

Trevor Keezor

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home Depot hates America

  In the rural town of Okeechobee, Florida, a young man Trevor Keezor was fired from his job at the Home Depot. He was not late, he did not miss days of work, he did not steal, he was not rude, nor did he display any other behavior that would warrant termination. So why was he fired? Mr. Keezor, like many other Home Depot employees, placed a button on his work apron. While many other employees decorate their work aprons with buttons, only Mr. Keezor was asked to remove his. He refused and was fired on the spot. Was the button vulgar in any way? No, it was not. Was the button racial? No, it was not. So what was so offensive about that button that Mr. Keezor was fired for not removing it? Simply put, God. The button read "One Nation Under God, Indivisible".

  I know what many of you are thinking. Doesn't our money say the same thing? Yes, it does. Isn't that part of the Pledge of Allegiance? Yes, it is. Wouldn't that button mean that Mr. Keezor was showing support for his country? Yes, it does. Why is is so wrong to wear a button that shows such patriotism? Mr. Keezer is a Christian. He brings his Bible to work with to read on his lunch break. It was on his break when he was reading his Bible when he was approached by management and ordered to remove his button. When he refused, he was fired on the spot.

  Other employees of Home Depot wear buttons that display their political views and they have no problems. Many of them wear buttons that support gay rights. Yet Home Depot doesn't have a problem with them. Is it not offensive to wear a button supporting homosexuality where a button supporting patriotism and Christianity is considered offensive? What is going on in America? What is our country becoming?

Mr. Keezer planning a law suit against Home Depot for discrimination. The good people of the USA should stand behind Mr. Keezer and show our support for this young man. Mr. Keezer has a brother who serves in the military and he says that the button he wore was in support of his brother. Mr. Keezer has every right to display his patriotic and religious views.

Home Depot, if you have a problem with "One Nation Under God, Indivisible", then go out of business NOW!! You have no place in our country. Christian groups across the country are organizing a boycott of Home Depot. Please join in support for this young man and for American patriotism.

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