In the rural town of Okeechobee, Florida, a young man Trevor Keezor was fired from his job at the Home Depot. He was not late, he did not miss days of work, he did not steal, he was not rude, nor did he display any other behavior that would warrant termination. So why was he fired? Mr. Keezor, like many other Home Depot employees, placed a button on his work apron. While many other employees decorate their work aprons with buttons, only Mr. Keezor was asked to remove his. He refused and was fired on the spot. Was the button vulgar in any way? No, it was not. Was the button racial? No, it was not. So what was so offensive about that button that Mr. Keezor was fired for not removing it? Simply put, God. The button read "One Nation Under God, Indivisible".
I know what many of you are thinking. Doesn't our money say the same thing? Yes, it does. Isn't that part of the Pledge of Allegiance? Yes, it is. Wouldn't that button mean that Mr. Keezor was showing support for his country? Yes, it does. Why is is so wrong to wear a button that shows such patriotism? Mr. Keezer is a Christian. He brings his Bible to work with to read on his lunch break. It was on his break when he was reading his Bible when he was approached by management and ordered to remove his button. When he refused, he was fired on the spot.
Other employees of Home Depot wear buttons that display their political views and they have no problems. Many of them wear buttons that support gay rights. Yet Home Depot doesn't have a problem with them. Is it not offensive to wear a button supporting homosexuality where a button supporting patriotism and Christianity is considered offensive? What is going on in America? What is our country becoming?
Mr. Keezer planning a law suit against Home Depot for discrimination. The good people of the USA should stand behind Mr. Keezer and show our support for this young man. Mr. Keezer has a brother who serves in the military and he says that the button he wore was in support of his brother. Mr. Keezer has every right to display his patriotic and religious views.
Home Depot, if you have a problem with "One Nation Under God, Indivisible", then go out of business NOW!! You have no place in our country. Christian groups across the country are organizing a boycott of Home Depot. Please join in support for this young man and for American patriotism.
Trevor Keezor
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Yet another state, California, has legalized gay marriage. It seems that this is becoming quite popular. I for one am appalled by the idea of gay marriage. Homosexuality is disgusting, immoral and unnatural. It is also a an abomination in the eyes of a God that this nation is supposed to be founded under. Now, as our nation, one state at a time, violates the sanctity of marriage, the good, God fearing people of the USA stand by silently. Marriage is a sacred institution, a precious vow between a MAN and a WOMAN. Not a man and a man or woman and woman. What do we say to our children when our government and schools say that "it's ok to be gay"? It is NOT ok to be gay. It is a crime against nature and against morality. Homosexuality should be outlawed.
I have heard many gay people insist that they were born gay. That's impossible. No one can be born gay. Homosexuality, like all behavior, is learned. Whether it is learned directly or adversely depends on the situation. And if a person can learn to be gay at a young age, they can also learn to not be gay. There is no reason that we as a society have come to be so tolerant of people who will disrespect the very basic laws of nature. Thirty years ago gays had no rights. Now, they are everywhere. They are glorified on TV and in magazines. The very media that is pushed in front of our children. The worst part is that most parents are either too busy or just don't care what their children are watching and being influenced by. How many young children will watch reality shows that feature gay people in a way that makes homosexuality look cool or fun? And how many parents are watching these shows with their kids and not explaining these things to them?
I once met a man who was dying from psorosis of the liver, which was caused by AIDS. He got the HIV virus from having sex with another man. This person was young, smart and had the world in his hands. Then he got infected and later became sick. The psorosis was destroying his liver and it could not remove the toxins from his blood the way that it was supposed to. The whites of his eyes turned yellow as he neared the end of his life. When he talked about his youth, he explained that he had become curious as a teenager about homosexuality. He said that he had been confused and needed direction and guidance, so he sought out a guidance counselor at his high school. He explained what he was feeling to the counselor. The advice he received was that it was "ok to be gay". So he went and gave it a try. Later, as he was becoming more and more ill, he admitted that, had the guidance counselor told him that being gay was wrong and not to do it, he wouldn't have tried being gay. That would have meant that he wouldn't have gotten HIV and he would still be alive today.
So, what can we do? America, speak out against the immoral, indecent and unnatural people who are trying to take over our lands. Its time to fight back.
I have heard many gay people insist that they were born gay. That's impossible. No one can be born gay. Homosexuality, like all behavior, is learned. Whether it is learned directly or adversely depends on the situation. And if a person can learn to be gay at a young age, they can also learn to not be gay. There is no reason that we as a society have come to be so tolerant of people who will disrespect the very basic laws of nature. Thirty years ago gays had no rights. Now, they are everywhere. They are glorified on TV and in magazines. The very media that is pushed in front of our children. The worst part is that most parents are either too busy or just don't care what their children are watching and being influenced by. How many young children will watch reality shows that feature gay people in a way that makes homosexuality look cool or fun? And how many parents are watching these shows with their kids and not explaining these things to them?
I once met a man who was dying from psorosis of the liver, which was caused by AIDS. He got the HIV virus from having sex with another man. This person was young, smart and had the world in his hands. Then he got infected and later became sick. The psorosis was destroying his liver and it could not remove the toxins from his blood the way that it was supposed to. The whites of his eyes turned yellow as he neared the end of his life. When he talked about his youth, he explained that he had become curious as a teenager about homosexuality. He said that he had been confused and needed direction and guidance, so he sought out a guidance counselor at his high school. He explained what he was feeling to the counselor. The advice he received was that it was "ok to be gay". So he went and gave it a try. Later, as he was becoming more and more ill, he admitted that, had the guidance counselor told him that being gay was wrong and not to do it, he wouldn't have tried being gay. That would have meant that he wouldn't have gotten HIV and he would still be alive today.
So, what can we do? America, speak out against the immoral, indecent and unnatural people who are trying to take over our lands. Its time to fight back.
Monday, August 9, 2010
I'm a smoker. I have been for 15 years. I find it utterly repulsive that New York State, together with New York City, have imposed such ridiculous takes on cigarettes. When I started smoking, cigarettes cost about $2.00 a pack. Now, they average about $12.50. In Manhattan, they are even more expensive. This is getting really outrageous. Especially since a pack of cigarettes costs less than .80 cents to manufacture. These taxes are draining the pockets of every smoker in New York. Most non-smokers say that the simple solution is to quit, but I like smoking. I enjoy it. There is no reason for these taxes to be so high. The combination of Bloomberg/Patterson is making the lives of working class people in New York very difficult. Cigarette prices are just one of the many ways that our state and local governments are really taking advantage of us.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
The MTA, the scourge of New York City. We have had ENOUGH! Again the MTA wants to raise fairs and cut service. The MTA is claiming to have a 300 million dollar deficit. I'm not buying it. Its time for the City and State of New York to audit the MTA. We, New Yorkers, should be protesting, demanding that the MTA be audited and their books made public. Lets see what those MTA big shots are really making. Lets see just how much money is going under the table. In what the subway and NYC buses make in fares in a single day is more than enough to pay for every expense the MTA has and that includes salaries, taxes, repairs and operating costs. Not to mention the extra income the MTA receives from all of its advertisements. Still, the big shots are splurging the MTA's money and we have to pay for it. This is just wrong. The MTA has straphangers by the balls and they know it. How many people absolutely depend on mass transit? We have no choice. There is no competition for the subway and we have to deal with that fact. We can't just find another bus or subway that charges less. That is a monopoly. Yes, the MTA has a monopoly on mas transit. There used to be private bus companies, but the MTA bought them all. And have you ever heard of another company owning and charging a toll for any bridge? No, of course not. This is not only unconstitutional, but its immoral and dispicable. The MTA and its officers are getting rich off of the common people of New York. Stop the madness already. MTA, cater to your patrons. Its the common people that pay your salaries.
Friday, August 6, 2010
As if life hasn't been hard enough for the families of 911 victims, muslim activists are lobbying to build a mosque within the immediate area of ground zero. What an outrage! Islam is the most disgusting religion on earth and should be wiped off the planet. This is just a perfect example of what too much freedom is. Islam is a religion of terror. It is commanded by "Allah" (actually a preislamic pagan moon god), that muslims are to create "terror" against nonbelievers and to wage war until the entire world is muslim. What a ridiculous religion. Now, when a muslim goes to court in the United States, they are demanding to be tried under Sharia law. Sorry muslims, this is AMERICA, we do not support Sharia law and we never will. God bless America, land of the free.
Can you imagine if these muslims got their way? Can you imagine living in America if it were under Sharia law? Could you live in a country where being Christian or Jew was a crime punishable by death? Where are all the good people of America? America became great because its people stood up for what is right. Our forfathers faught and died so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have taken for granted today. America, its time to stand togeather and fight against these people who impede on our freedoms and rights. Fight back America, fight back.
Can you imagine if these muslims got their way? Can you imagine living in America if it were under Sharia law? Could you live in a country where being Christian or Jew was a crime punishable by death? Where are all the good people of America? America became great because its people stood up for what is right. Our forfathers faught and died so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have taken for granted today. America, its time to stand togeather and fight against these people who impede on our freedoms and rights. Fight back America, fight back.
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